The Coast Guard has, uses, and maintains an extensive network of heliports wood for over thirty-five (35) years for maintenance and repair of fixed aids to navigation. These are built to standardized plans and treated wood are usually erected on sometimes very steep rock faces. There are two dimensions heliport is 24'x24 'and 36'x36'.
This project consisted in the structural analysis of two types of heliports to ensure heliport up conformed to codes and standards. To meet operational requirements, the Coast Guard wanted to know the limit states for each component in order to assess the state of these on the structural component and safety for its users and thus be able to perform the work of reinforcements and put standards to ensure the landing various helicopter service as part of its fleet models.
The main challenge was to define and implement methods of single and repetitive building that can adapt to the largest possible number of heliports. In addition, materials required (pieces of wood and steel) to carry out building work should be brought by helicopter to the various sites.